Please email us at with questions or suggestions. Or, message us on Twitter/X at @2700frchess
The naming of the variant does not matter much to us. We have chosen to call it Chess960 for now, but our brand "FR Ratings" is a homage to both "Fischer Random" and "Freestyle."
To calculate a rating for active Chess960 players! OTB and online Chess960 tournaments are counted towards the same rating - your FR rating.
FIDE and other governing bodies have never established ratings for Chess960. With the increase in the popularity of Chess960, we present a transparent and universal (online + OTB) FR rating system.
Major over-the-board Chess960 tournaments since 2021, including the World Championship, Chess9LX, and inaugural Freestyle Chess event.
In addition,'s "Freestyle Friday" weekly online event is FR chess rated!
Just one - classical, rapid, blitz, OTB, and online Chess960 official tournament games are combined into one FR rating.
Similar to FIDE ratings and, there will be a monthly "official" published FR rating list, as well as unofficial "live ratings" calculated as games and tournaments conclude.
By playing in an eligible tournament - the easiest way for titled players to get their first FR rating is by playing in Freestyle Friday.
By performing well in a strong OTB event or Freestyle Friday - see the requirements on our Titles Page. New titles are published every month on the monthly rating list.
The January 2025 FR Rating List was the first FR rating list, consisting of just 24 players, based on major OTB Chess960 events in 2021-2024 (see Events Page).
The February 2025 FR Rating List was the second rating list, consisting of rated results from the first two Freestyle Friday events, expanding the list to 682 players.
The March 2025 FR Rating List will consist of several Freestyle Fridays as well as the Freestyle Grand Slam OTB event in Weissenhaus, Germany.
No one starts as an unrated player - we initialize FR ratings based on your current FIDE ratings. When you play in your first FR-rated tournament, we will average your current FIDE Classical, Rapid, and Blitz ratings to get your initial FR rating. After your first event, your FR rating will start to move up or down as you play Chess960.
The FR rating system most closely resembles the Elo system which is also used by FIDE.
We use different K-factors (which affect rating volatility) for OTB and Online Play:
OTB Tournaments
Online Tournaments (Freestyle Friday)
For simplicity, number of games played, age, and peak rating do not affect one's K-factor.
Time control does not affect K-factor, with the caveat that the Freestyle Friday has the lowest time control and also the lowest K-factor.
Suggestions or questions? We are constantly working to bring general improvements and new features to the site.
This is a completely free site - there will never be any premium/paid options, advertisements, or tracking.
We are also working to perfect our FR norms and title system.
Suggestions or questions? Email us at or on Twitter/X - @2700frchess